Check out the Winter 2012-2013 Issue of Paranoia Magazine!

Winter 2012 Cover

Between the Mormon bid for the White House through one of its Favorite Sons (unsuccessful this time) and researching chemtrails for a book I’m writing—check out my rundown on the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails conference I went to in LA this past summer—and Patrick Geryl’s 2012 timetable of planetary alignments (, the adventure of getting up every morning has developed quite the spin, not to mention how synchronicity is popping up everywhere as we, like Janus, look over our collective shoulder into the past and at the same time peer myopically forward into the future taking shape before our very eyes.

Nick Redfern’s “Secret Bases on the Moon?” gets us off to a cosmic start by going back over what we’re still not sure happened decades ago (a modus operandi essential to surviving a national security state spitting out lies and secrets like bullets). What was Kubrick’s Odyssey: Secrets Hidden in the films of Stanley Kubrick, “Part One: Kubrick and Apollo” Project Horizon about? Bases on the Moon? (Jay Weidner’s postulates that we may have gone to the Moon but not in Kubrick’s Apollo films for NASA, and not in a rocket.)

Then Paul Krassner’s “My Misadventure with Charlie Manson” dredges up the soiled innocence of the Sixties and what really went down with Cass Elliot of the Mamas and the Papas, Tim Leary, Tommy Smothers, David Crosby, the Mystic Arts in Laguna Beach, Billy Doyle, Sharon Tate, Spahn Ranch . . . and how a Manson morphed into a crazy, reckless, feckless surfer.

Victor Thorn throws a little light on the future in “Stan Meyer’s Water Car,” except for the fact that like Tesla, Stan Meyer too learned that being an inventor who wanted to offer up an invention to better the common man is a dangerous proposition.

Mack White’s “LBJ, the Robot in the Fake Oval Office” does justice to the LBJ I spent many waking hours with when he was still just a Vice President and I was a Girls’ Nation representative at the American University in Washington, D.C. Every morning, he’d remind me that I was from the Show Me State and grin (leer?), “What’re you goin’ to show me today, little miss?” (Creeped me out.)

“The Magian Threat” by Jack Horner takes us way back into the hoary past that he claims has been dragged into the present. Could it be that the one true Magian bloodline still drives bloodline elites to achieve Total Global Dominion? Tuesday Weld was a high priestess of some Celtic lineage . . .

Paul Tice then wonders over our all-too-present future in “Is Your E-Gadget A Trojan Horse?” asking questions we all should be contemplating, like What are these convenient e-gadgets we’ve bonded with doing to our privacy and our brains? How are they dumbing us down? Every day, 4.6 billion people are on their cell phones and iPhones and ebooks and . . .

“Is the Dark Knight Rising From the Mormon Church?” might be another question we should be asking. (Given the power the Mormons wield over the Intelligence Community, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of them.) In this excerpt from her soon-to-be published book Our Life Beyond MKULTRA, Elisa peers into the dark recesses of this most unusual American religion and its involvement in elite and national security machinations of power.

Niki Raapana teases out just what Communitarianism is in her article,“Between Common Law & The Law of Mother Nature.” The reinstatement of the Goddess at Rio+20 Earth Summit is good, right? King Cocaine Bolivian President Evo Morales said so, the UN said so—or could this be the one-world religion that G8 has been contriving for the 99 percent? Not to mention when Occupy Wall Street became Occupy the Earth . . .

“Embedded Code of Ariosophy” by Rosemary Tantra Bensko takes a look under the Oriental rug of esoterica at the symbol language that for millennia has been and still is being used to encode our subconscious, even unto nanobots and Morgellons. As Bensko puts it, “Oracles and their interpreters, with their political backers behind the scenes, have always controlled society. The backers whose messages the oracles are promoting are often totemized as invisible otherworldly beings.”

Finally, as we speed down the wormhole of American-style surveillance and fascism, Dwain Deets directs our gaze back to images, chemical analysis, measurements, witness testimony, and patterns of unhelpful official actions in “The 9/11 False Flag Attacks: High Tech and High Treachery.” Like Christmas Past, we must take yet another look at the 2001 Pearl Harbor that dragged us down into endless war while transmogrifying America into a Dantean landscape.

Once again, we must drag the facts from the Memory Hole in order to remain faithful to truth. Then there are the book and film reviews, Al Hidell’s ParaNotes, not to mention a look at a most unusual bookstore in Toronto dedicated to outside-the-box issues some people call “conspiracy theories.” It’s all here to curl up with on a winter’s night while planets align and the Wheel turns one more time.

– Elana Freeland, Editor

Clyde Lewis – Denizen of the Darkness

By Olav Phillips

It’s night, the stars are emerging, and darkness is creeping in. Deeds of the day are done and you’re settling into a nice evening. You turn on the radio and tune in to the evening’s entertainment.

In a dimly lit radio studio perched high above Portland, Oregon, a man leans forward, presses a blinking button on the control panel, and the booming words “The loudspeaker woke up and said . . . Ground Zero” blast out to listeners. A man in his late 40’s leans toward the mic. “I’m Clyde Lewis, and this is Ground Zero.”

For 17 years, Clyde has performed this ritual; first in his hometown of Salt Lake City, Utah, and now high above Portland, illuminating the dark- ness with the power of an FM transmitter, shock- ing us, scaring us, entertaining us, and most of all informing us of what you would never hear on NPR. Ground Zero is Clyde’s nightly descent into the darkness.

Parapolitical radio is an interesting phenomenon born out of a respect for the anomalous and a quest for truth, no matter how strange it might look. Parapolitical radio shows like Ground Zero serve a much needed societal role by allowing topics seemingly forbidden by mainstream media to be addressed, from conspiracies to demonic possession and cultural commentary that eventually finds it way around the water cooler.

Its controversial nature requires that we, the listeners, have a guide, an everyman to give us permission to jump down the rabbit hole. Our first guide was Long John Nebel.

Back in the 1950’s, under the watchful eye of an autocratic state gripped by cold war fears, Long John Nebel and his New York show Party Line openly discussed topics such as UFOs. In fact, one of his pinnacle shows was an interview with Former Marine Air Corps Major Donald Keyhoe who’d walked out of an NBC television show because NBC executives sought to censor him and present a US Air Force-scrubbed version of UFO’s in then-Project Blue Book style.

Years after Party Line, Art Bell’s Coast to Coast AM kept the night fires burning. Mysterious Art Bell wouldn’t discuss his background and insisted on broadcasting from a tiny double wide trailer deep in the wastes of Nye County, Nevada, in what he called the Kingdom of Nye. Luminaries such as Father Malachi Martin showed up on his show and made us understand that evil was real and out there, no doubt leading to many a sleepless night among late-night fans.

Hale-Bopp put Coast to Coast on the map and accelerated its popularity. I remember listening that 1996 night, driving on a dark and lonely road outside Fairfield, California, illuminated by the lights of distant Travis AFB as Dr. Doom a/k/a Major Ed “Remote Viewing” Dames arrived on the scene to give us his latest analysis of the Hale-Bopp comet and its shadow “Saturn-Like Object.” As the atmospheric tone of Coast to Coast kicked in, it was like driving through the Twilight Zone with Art Bell playing Charon over the River Styx.

When Art Bell finally left the airwaves, that atmospheric, moody style of programming went with him—until Ground Zero.

A radio host named Clyde Lewis contacted me for an interview after I founded a website called the S4 Database. After our interview, I was hooked— which is not all that uncommon, given that many of Clyde’s interviewees, over the years, have be- come regular listeners of his show, and fueled the show’s growth, Ground Zero being fundamentally everything that was captivating about the original Coast to Coast AM.

This has been no small feat, given the advent of podcasts and internet-only broadcasts, the internet now standing in for the Gutenberg press with its prolif- eration of low-cost paranormal radio. Nothing beats real radio, and Ground Zero is just that.

So where did Ground Zero come from and who is Clyde Lewis? Most of all, why is he a denizen of darkness, an interesting story in and of itself?

Lewis’s earliest investigations into the paranormal began while he was a radio engineer at a small Utah station. One of the hosts on the air there was Wolfgang Gossett, who would later claim fame as a strong suspect in the 1971 D.B. Cooper skyjacker case. Gossett had a paranormal show and invited Clyde to join him on some ghost hunts and other investigations into the paranormal. At one point, Gossett even told Clyde about several premonitions he’d had about an upcoming trip Clyde was planning to take premonitions that turned out to be right.

Clyde continued with radio until he got his own show: Kult Radio, which in 1995 he renamed Ground Zero. People ask if he renamed it because of 9/11, but he emphati-cally denies it, and time is on his side.

The show was a quick hit. Clyde developed a very different format from other shows in that beyond his training and pedigree as a seasoned radio host, he is also an active researcher. He pioneered the Anti-Christ culminating in the AC/DC god with Prince William of England as the Anti-Christ—a presentation he has given at ConspiracyCon Esozone, and other “fringe” venues.

The September 8, 2005 issue of Rolling Stone magazine said that “you don’t have to be a nut to believe” his theory. (In the next line down, they were not so kind to fellow researcher David Icke.)

So why call Clyde Lewis a denizen of darkness? The answer is simple: nothing is off limits for Ground Zero contemplation.

Like Charon on the River Styx, Clyde is our tour guide to the supernatural, the preternatural, and in some cases the profane. He gives permission to consider the improbable and impossible, like the Moon landing never happening. Prior to the proposed May 2011 end of the world prophecy delivered by Harold Camping, Clyde interviewed Gunter Harringa, #2 at Family Radio, and spent an amazing three hours exploring Camping’s statements and giving listeners a glimpse into the Christian radio network’s beliefs.

Later, Clyde interviewed a Vatican-trained exorcist who talked about how people’s bodies change during exorcisms and how in one case a woman turned into a snake. It’s conversations like these that make Ground Zero a mind- stretch. Regardless of the topic— be it politics or geoengineering, mind control or UFOs—Clyde the researcher plummets con- versations into to the heart of the topic at hand, and encour- ages listeners to expand their consciousness.


About the writer:

Olav Phillips is founder of the Anomalies Network, the largest UFO and paranormal information source on the Internet. With 24 years of experience in UFO research and study, Olav’s self-proclaimed passion is serving as archivist for the UFO and paranormal community. With a database of 142,000 recorded sightings, his area of specialization is the application of the latest technology to the field of ufology. Phillips uses technology to derive new sets of information, compile and analyze data in new ways, and develop new theories.

He has appeared on many popular radio shows as well as television presentations including: Shadows in the Dark Radio, Coast to Coast with George Noory, Voyager (RAI Due), Ground Zero Radio (in which he is the producer), as well as many others. Olav has also contributed to many of the television presentations you’ve seen on Area 51, UFO’s and conspiracies

Check out the Fall 2012 issue of Paranoia!


















Sitting here at the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails conference in Los Angeles (August17-19, 2012), I am more aware than ever of the importance of exploring those topics deemed forbidden by our corporate media. It is, after all, 2012, and consciousness is shifting.

Freeman’s “Science Fiction or Space Faction?” looks at the plausible deniability that science fiction provides for all-too-real technologies like Robonauts and The Matrix at CERN allud-ed to by cabbalistic logos and symbols covertly enslaving our creative unconscious.

Olav Phillips introduces Clyde Lewis in “Clyde Lewis, Denizen of the Darkness,” while Clyde himself in “The Storm Is Coming” looks through corporate lenses at the film The Dark Knight Rises, whose premier was diabolically mirrored in the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting. Reality cum fantasy, or fantasy cum reality? Dark advertising, or just the usual psyop abuse of boobus Americanus?

“Deconstructing Angleton and the Cold War” by Servando Gonzalez and “The Many Faces of Gladio 2.0” by Victor Thorn, both pursue the white rabbit of truth down the Cold War memory hole. Gonzalez points out how chief of counterintelligence James Jesus Angleton was actually a mole for the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), while Thorn looks at Angleton’s role in Gladio, the master network of false flag operations that continues (Mujahideen to Osama bin Laden to the Taliban and al Qaeda, to 9/11, etc.). Gladio and the CFR . . .

“Power Politics and Sorcery in Latin America” by Scott Corrales begins with President Obama’s mother-in-law, a practitioner of “Afro-Hispanic magic” (Santería), then goes to Mexican behind-the-throne psychics, from el Niño Fidencio to Marta Sahagún, wife of former president Vicente Fox, who, like the sitting US President’s mother-in-law, performed rituals in Los Pinos, the official state residence.

Speaking of nightmares, excerpts from Our Life Beyond MKULTRA by Elisa (“liz”) continue the ongoing exploration of the extremes to which elites, federal government agencies, and military contractor corporations will go in their quest to destroy individuals and create slaves via trauma-based mind control. These excerpts concentrate on what “liz” refers to as the “aliens, entities, and demons” that gain entry to the psyche or soul bodies through pain, drugs, electroshock, ritual, rape, etc.

Top off this issue of Paranoia with my book review of A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America by Dr. John Hall, a film review of The Cabin in the Woods by my old MKZine compadre Columbia Jones, and a few excerpts from Feral House’s latest release Ritual America: Secret Brotherhoods and Their Influence on American Society: A Visual Guide by Craig Heimbichner and Feral House’s own publisher Adam Parfrey, and you have it: the best in mind-stretching issues to question and ponder.

—Elana Freeland

Ground Zero Radio goes syndicated! Picks Paranoia as it’s official magazine!

PREMIERE NETWORKS has picked up syndication rights to ALPHA BROADCASTING Talk KXL-A/PORTLAND’s “GROUND ZERO WITH CLYDE LEWIS.” The show, focusing on the paranormal, conspiracy theories, UFOs, and other phenomena, will be nationally available weeknights 10p-1a (ET)/7-10p (PT) beginning AUGUST 27th.

“I feel that coming on with PREMIERE NETWORKS is like winning the lottery,” said LEWIS. “I’m joining a company where some of my inspirations are employed, like RUSH LIMBAUGH, GLENN BECK, NIKKI SIXX, and several others. This opportunity allows the show to expand worldwide. I feel a responsibility to push GROUND ZERO to a whole new level. If you think you’ve heard fireworks on the show before, just wait – with the help of PREMIERE, GROUND ZERO is now ready to drop the atom bomb.”

PREMIERE Pres./Content and Affiliate Relations JULIE TALBOTT said, “Once you’ve heard CLYDE, you quickly realize he is one of a kind. Equal parts entertainer, conspiracy theorist and news commentator, he keeps listeners tuned in throughout the night. It’s easy to see why he has been successful in PORTLAND, and we can’t wait to share his program with stations across the country.”

ALPHA Sr. Program Advisor BRIAN JENNINGS added, “I’ve worked with great syndicated and local talent in my 40-plus years in radio. I search for authentic, unique talent and CLYDE LEWIS breaks the mold. Since placing the show in PORTLAND, CLYDE has consistently owned his daypart by a 3-1 margin in the prime 25-54 demo with double digit shares. Not only am I on the edge of my seat, but I also can’t wait for what develops next. This show is clearly a home run and CLYDE is an all star.”

And ALPHA Dir./Programing SCOTT MAHALICK said, “CLYDE LEWIS’ surrealistic style will captivate you like a hypnotic trance and, before you know it, you will have listened for three hours.”

How to see all Archive posts

Please be aware that there are so far about 50 archive articles at this site. To see them all you must use your down arrow key to move down the list. Using your mouse will only show the first five or so.  – Thank you! – Joan d’Arc  (10-17-12 I am sorry to report that only the first six of the archive articles are showing as available.  I don’t know how this happened. Some of you have asked about it.  We are trying to figure this out.  Thanks.)

Paranoia Magazine is hot off the press and ready for delivery!


















After an almost three year hiatus, Paranoia magazine has been revived from dormancy in hard copy print, with a sizzling Summer 2012 issue. This insightful and cutting edge publication is loaded with mind blowing articles, written by insiders and experts. It covers an infinite range of topics, including para-politics, alternative history, conspiracies, the paranormal and more!

Paranoia can be purchased at a reasonable subscription price of $28 (4 issues, annually). PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Money Orders, or Cashier’s Checks are gladly accepted. Go to and order the best damn conspiracy magazine on the planet!

Here’s a letter from Paranoia Magazine’s editor, Elana Freeland:

As things literally heat up in 2012—an election amidst solar storms and planetary alignments, a global financial meltdown amidst shifting consciousness—Paranoia magazine returns with what the Mockingbird media avoids at all costs.

Richard Spence, professor of History at the University of Idaho and author of Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult (Feral House, 2008), delights us with “Searching for James Shelby Downard,” the magister survivor of early 20th century Freemason persecution who strove to prepare us to discern their wily hoodwinking in the 21st century.

In “9/11 & Israel’s Nexus of Terror,” Navid Kahn sees that like 2001, the year 2012 also has “occultic, esoteric, and kabbalistic significance” and ponders yet more sinister “world theatrics” in Chicago with a new (Mossad asset) mayor, or in London, city of the 2012 Olympic Games.

Adam Gorightly continues the “skullduggery and mindphuckery” theme by examining “paranormal-conspiratorial-doppelgänger phenomena” from Lee Harvey Oswald to Kenn Thomas (also in this issue)—including the sighting of his own double at a late 1990s East Coast New Age conference.

And speaking of Aleister Crowley and London, we’ve included a peek into London’s Mystical Legacy by Toyne Newton & Jonathan Tapsell, due out on Illuminati Day, May1, 2012 (Salamander and Sons). Madeline Montalban (1910-1982), ceremonial magick student of The Beast himself, held positions of influence throughout the 1930s and 1940s, from private astrologer/secretary to the late Lord Louis Mountbatten (Prince Charles’ uncle), to scribe for Gerald Gardner, modern father of Wicca. Given that spell-casters have played into the politics of war as much as military tacticians and spies, what if Madame Montalban had something to do with Hitler’s abandonment of Operation Sea Lion for an ill-fated invasion of Russia?

In his article “Mothman, JFK, UFO, MIB, and Me,” Andy Colvin returns to the late 1960s when the legendary Fortean researchers Gray Barker and John Keel came to his neighborhood in the Kanawha Valley of the Ohio River basin to investigate the unusual creatures and craft people were seeing. Colvin ties the ancient past of mound sites and earthworks derived from the same mathematics Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid drew on to Mothman’s recent haunts, including Union Carbide’s Blaine Island plant on a U.S. Naval Reservation, now operated jointly by Bayer and Dow Chemical. Were the sightings hoodwinks to cover for something else going on?

“Who are the Men in Black, Really?” by Olav Phillips examines various MIB theories, from cultural constructs to tolpas to CIA and NASA weirdos, until Phillips guides us to, “There is only one organization, and it is a shadowy one, that fulfills all the prerequisites for Men in Black.”

            Iona Miller’s “Did COINTELPRO & CIA ‘Back Pocket Agents’ Kill Rev. King, Jr.?” echoes Downard’s diagnosis of the American political landscape when she reexamines the murder of one of the Three Kings and says, “Manipulation of the public collective unconscious constitutes Masonic hoodwinking at its best or worst. Whether you think in terms of a shadow government or a government Shadow, we all share responsibility for allowing shadow masters who get away with murder, dreaming mind or no dreaming mind.”

In his column “Profiles in Parapolitical Research,” Kenn Thomas features two researchers. For current work, he extols David Talbot of, whose book and to-be film Brother: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years looks at the military’s overriding role in the brutal murders of the other two of the Three Kings, the  Kennedy brothers, “twin traumas that set the country on a course of violence and greed from which we continue to suffer today.” As for the researcher of great historic significance, Thomas extols Sherman Skolnick, a legend in the parapolitical underground who, as Thomas points out, “is often portrayed by the general media as just another conspiracy nut job.” (Skolnick died May 21, 2006.)

Past co-editor of Paranoia magazine and past editor of HunterGatheress Journal Joan d’Arc weighs in with “The Manchurian Candidate Lives,” an extremely important revisiting of the CIA’s MK-ULTRA program and its ongoing relationship (60 years later!) with the false memory syndrome movement and military-corporate-secret society cover-up.

And finally a primer by yours truly on the 21st century “non-lethal” technology of your worst nightmare, “This Covert Electromagnetic Era: Domestic Use of Directed Energy Weapons for Political Control.”

Paranoia magazine lives! May your repast give birth to a thousand transformative questions in preparation for the awakening consciousness of 2012.

Paranoia Magazine will be at the 12th Annual Conspiracy Conference, June 2 and 3, 2012!

Subscribe to the new Paranoia Magazine today!

Paranoia Magazine will return in May 2012 after a three year hiatus, in hard copy form, with a power-packed line up of mind-boggling articles for your reading pleasure. It’s Issue #52, Summer 2012 edition. Here’s a preview:

9/11: Israel’s Masterpiece by Naveed Khan

Did Back-Pocket Agents Kill MLK?  by Iona Miller

Men In Black Uncovered! by Olav Phillips

The Manchurian Candidate Lives by Joan d’Arc

The Doppel Gang by Adam Gorightly

This Covert Electromagnetic Era by Elana Freeland

Are You Tailed or Surveilled? by H. Michael Sweeney

Remembering Sherman Skolnick by Kenn Thomas

Click on to the “subscriptions” page at the bottom of the home page and order the best damn conspiracy magazine on the planet! PayPal, money orders, cashier’s checks and gold bullion are gladly accepted. 🙂

Ron Patton of ConspiraZine takes over Paranoia Magazine!

Since 1992, Paranoia: The Conspiracy & Paranormal Reader has presented alternative views and marginalized theories of the inner workings of the cryptocracy. Subjects include conspiracy theories, para-politics, alternative history, and the paranormal.

Paranoia was founded during the zine explosion of the early 1990s. The first issue had a black-and-white tabloid-style layout, with feature stories …starting on the cover and continuing inside. Over the years, Paranoia evolved into a 72-page print magazine published three times a year, with a print run that reached 15,000 copies. It was sold on newsstands throughout the U.S., the U.K, and Canada, as well as to subscribers.

Paranoia received a 2001 Award of Merit in the Writer’s Digest Zine Publishing Awards, and has been rated by Playboy magazine as a “Top 10 Zine.” Pagan Kennedy of The Village Voice called it “Weirdness on a grand scale …” containing “a dizzying web of connections.” Alternative book publisher New Paradigm Books recently stated that Paranoia is “an original and provocative thrice-yearly magazine, with an occasional compelling focus on women writers.”

In late 2009, Paranoia ended its nearly 20-year run as a print magazine and switched to a book format.

On October 10, 2011, it was formally announced that Ron Patton, former publisher of MKzine and writer for Paranoia, is the new publisher for Paranoia Magazine.